Well, here we are the day after Mother's Day, and I am posting about Easter! I have alot of catching up to do. My computer has not been working exactly right since the storms. I have attempted to post a couple of times, but had trouble. Ok...back to Easter. We enjoyed a beautiful Easter Sunday:) Betsy and I went to church for the first time since we had been home from China. What a great day to go!! Betsy and I sat in the balcony with my parents. She did great! Betsy loves to sing, so when the music began she stood up and started clapping her hands with the rest of us! I can't tell you how good it was to worship with my church family on Easter Sunday. Also, to have my parents and my daughter with me was just icing on the cake:) When the choir came out I got tears in my eyes. I love to sing in the choir! I truly missed being in the choir loft with everyone. It was such an awesome worship service. At one point I was standing, singing, and holding Betsy. I looked at her and she was so happy. As I looked into her eyes on this wonderful ressurection day the Lord reminded me of some words from a song by Steven Curtis Chapman. In the song he says... "I saw the face of Jesus on a little orphan girl. She was standing in a corner on the other side of the world." He goes on to sing..."what now, what will you do now that you found me, what now, what will you do with this treasure you found"? I was holding in my hands a precious little treasure, a gift from God. I knew at that moment I was looking into the very heart of God. He loves the orphan...he is a Father to the Fatherless! Praise God!!! What was even more wonderful that day was that the precious treasure I was holding was my daughter! She was an orphan no more!! I felt like the Lord was also asking what will you do now? WOW...what I want more than anything is to show her the love of Christ. I pray that Todd and I will be faithful in doing this with all of our children. So, what is the Lord asking you to do today? Is there something he has laid on your heart? Do you feel him calling you to defend the orphan? Pray that God would reveal to you exactly how he wants you to do this. Maybe it's through adoption, helping an adoptive family, raising awareness of the orphan crisis, or praying. There are so many thing we can do. One thing I know for a fact is that we are ALL, as christians, called to defend the orphan in some way. Have a blessed day:)

Betsy showing off her new swim skirt cover up...kept saying beautiful! |
Henry showing off his Woody/Buzz flip flops. |
Betsy loved counting the dyed eggs! She did it MANY times:) |
Betsy and Henry...off to hunt eggs! |
Betsy and Papa |
Betsy put a sticker on her nose and thought it was so funny:) |
Nana, Papa, and "The Gang" |