Well, it's been almost two weeks since my last post...I think. Anyway, I am trying to get caught up on my posting. I'm not sure if that will ever happen, but I am at least making an effort. On May 18, 2011 we went for our second visit to the International Adoption Clinic. We had a good, (but long) time there. We were there a little over three hours! The first person we saw was the Behavioral Therepist. She kept on saying how great Betsy was doing. She said she was very pleased with how well she is adjusting. We still have had no sleep issues, which I believe is a miracle. I thank God everyday for how well she is doing. The therepist said not to be surprised if Betsy starts to have some behavior issues now that we have been home for several weeks , and is learning her boundries. She definately "tests the waters". I am trying to be firm, but loving. To be honest some days it is hard! She is learning so much...she is a very smart little girl. Her English is getting better and better. It seems like she is learning something new everyday. She is mostly putting 2-3 words together right now...not many full sentences. She will say..."Hello Mama, how you doing?" (I think she says it a million times a day!) She is losing her Chinese a little everyday too. It is sad to me. Some things that she would only say in Chinese she will now only say in English. She will say"Brush your teeth", "Betsy take a bath", and "Mama be right back...just a minute"....she is so cute! Betsy loves her brothers and sister. She also loves to boss everyone around...especially Henry;) Sometimes he lets her, sometimes he doesn't! haha While we were at the clinic we also saw the Developmental Therepist. She sat down with Betsy and got her to string beads together, copy shapes that she drew, put different shaped blocks in a box...matching the shapes as she went along, and picture read a book with her. She was very encouraging and said Betsy is above the average internationally adopted child her age. The therepist gave me some good teaching tips to help Betsy in areas where she is delayed. In some areas she does things on a three year old level, most areas she is about like a four year old, but alot of things are right on target for her age(which is five). I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before, but at Betsy's orphanage the Half the Sky organization came in 2007 and really made some great changes. The therepists along with Dr. Kiser, one of the clinics physicians, said this was one of the main reasons Betsy was transitioning well. They said it also explains why her delays are minimal. She had alot of individual care and attention. After the last therepist left Dr. Kiser came in and talked to us for a few minutes, then sent us to have labwork done. Betsy had an ultrasound and had about seven vials of blood taken. Let me just say she doesn't like needles! She cried and cried and Todd and I both had to hold her still. I felt so sorry for her. This was at the end of a very long visit!! We got through, and went to McDonald's.:) We will go back for a six month visit. I am so thankful for this precious little girl. She is awesome! We are having so much fun with her. She is very energetic, funny, and much louder than anyone else at our house(except maybe Hugh!) haha We feel so blessed that the Lord allowed us to be her parents. I look at her and just can't believe we have her with us. We are truly thankful!
Betsy's second visit to the IAC. |
Waiting for Dr. Kiser. |
Betsy and Ba Ba(daddy) coloring while we wait. |
Hugh with his friends at Field Day...Cole, Colby, and Hirueya. |
Hugh at the Karate station. |
Ellie running a relay race...almost there! |
Tug-of-War...go Ellie go!! |
Ellie and her sweet friend Lily. |
First swim of the season goes to Hugh. He went to a friends B'day party. |
Henry and Betsy...he's going along with it, but not sure if he has a choice! |
Sweet babies:) |
Ellie and me after Awards Day. All the fifth graders gave their moms roses. Ellie bought it with her own money...it was a surprise:) |
Ellie loves being a big sister to Betsy. |