I've never done a post on our blog about our Compassion sponsored children. We sponsor two children a boy named David, and a little girl named Lady. David lives in Rwanda, and Lady lives in Ecuador. Lady was our first child to sponsor. She is a precious little girl who lives with her mother, and grandmother. She is very smart! Lady always sends the sweetest letters, and pictures:) Ellie is usually the one who writes the letters back to Lady from our family. Ellie and Lady have become friends through this letter writing process. Lady is a year younger than Ellie. It has always been Ellie's dream to go visit Lady one day. Well, a few months ago Lady told us in a letter that it was her dream to meet us one day. That ignitated a fire within us to make this dream come true for these girls! Although our entire family would love the chance to meet Lady, it's simply too expensive for all of us to travel. Ellie and I(mom) started brainstorming ideas about how we could raise money for the two of us to go meet her through one of Compassion's annual trips to visit sponsored children. Ellie begin making bracelets, wallets, coin purses, and bookmarkers using colorful, printed duct tape. She sold them to her friends, and made $21! She was so excited about the money she made. We continued talking about things we could do. I went to a conference back in the spring and got an idea! There were bracelets with bible verses that the praise band was selling. I bought one, used the basic idea, and made them our own. We have sold several, but I thought this blog might be a way to get the word out to more people. I am not on facebook, so this was the best way for us to let others know what we're doing. If you would like to purchase one you can email me. Let me know what verse you would like, and what color pattern. You can have any verse added to the bracelet of your choice! My address is
meia.evans@yahoo.com. The bracelets are $20+S&H. It's never too early to buy for Christmas:)!!