Don't you LOVE the sign! |
Charles, Jennifer, Charlie, and Alice arrived home safely Sunday afternoon. We are so thankful they are back, and just in time for Thanksgiving! God is SO GOOD:) Many friends and family came to the airport to welcome them home...it was a blessing to be there! Everyone was so excited and ready to see them come down the escalator. The kids were running back and forth asking, "when are they going to get here?" We took over the airport Sunday! haha! It was so much fun:) Can't wait till it's our turn! Continue to lift up this family in your prayers as they settle in to this new chapter of their journey. Here are some pics from the Big Day!!
Awaiting the arrival of Alice. |
Max and Lucy ready to see their new sister, mommy, daddy, and Charlie. |
Waiting, waiting, waiting... |
Here they are!! |
Jennifer and Alice...welcome home!! |
What a precious baby girl. |
Here we are...there are more kids than adults! |