Thursday, October 28, 2010

Look at those cheeks:)

I can't wait to kiss this sweet baby's cheeks! This is my favorite picture of her. I also wanted to share her name with those of you who do not know it yet. Her Chinese name is Ha Xin Miao. We will keep part of this name, but also want to give her an American name. Her American name is Betsy Victoria. We will call her Betsy. Her daddy loves this name. It is also a form of Elizabeth which is a family name. Victoria is also a family name. Todd's stepfather's mothers name was Victoria. We loved Gerald, Todd's stepfather, very much. He was a very kind and gentle man. We wanted to honor him by using his mother's name as part of her middle name. The other part of her name will include her Chinese name. We are waiting to see what she is called in the orphanage to complete the name. She will have a long name, but every part of her name is special. Hope you all have a happy afternoon!


  1. Way to goooo, Meia!! You will be addicted :)
    I was hesitant to start one, too, but am glad I did, since I don't do too much 'old-fashioned' journaling on paper, like I used to. For me, it's a way for me to reflect on all that He has done, esp. on those days when things are hard. I know everyone will enjoy following your journey, to see all that He has done and is is a great way, in our 'tech saavy' world, to testify to His goodness and faithfulness.

  2. way to go! i am glad you invited me to follow your family's journey. i will be praying for you. can't wait to see His story unfold.
