Let me just begin by saying Sunday could not have been any better. We enjoyed the most awesome time with Gwen and Suzanne. I am so thankful they were able to come and share their hearts and their ministry:) There were people from many churches and cities. We were blessed beyond words with all that were present. God is doing an amazing work through 147 Million Orphans and Hearts of Compassion. I am so humbled that the Lord would allow me to join with him in serving the "the least of these". My heart is full and overflowing! Many thanks to Gwen and Suzanne...may God continue to richly bless your ministry:) Yesterday was a great day too. The kids enjoyed Valentine parties at school, a little treat from me and Todd, and our first "home cooked" family Chinese meal! Yes, it's true (with a little help from our friends at La Choy ;) complete with fortune cookies! My sweetheart sent me some of the most wonderful chocolate dipped strawberries you have EVER tasted:) Yummy!! It was a very "SWEET" and delicious surprise. The best thing that happened yesterday came right after we had our family prayertime with the kids. Hugh, our six(will be seven Sunday, the 20th ) year old has been asking lots of questions for several months now about salvation. He has talked with Todd and I alone and together on several occasions. Sunday night after prayers he said he wanted to talk to me and his daddy. Todd got out the bible and asked Hugh questions. We all prayed together and Todd told him to think about all that was said. He told him to let us know when he felt in his heart that it was time to pray and ask Jesus to come into his heart and save him. Last night he said he was ready to pray to receive Christ. It was a precious moment between the Lord, Hugh, Todd, and me. Todd lead him in his prayer. I was a big puddle! After we prayed Todd said, "Hugh this has been a great day for you! A party at school, candy, and now you have Jesus in your heart!!" Hugh looked up at him and said, "that's better than candy". We laughed/cried and said Yes, absolutely. Then he looked up one more time and said "but candy is really good too"! Gotta love that kid:) Blessings to you all!

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