I am so happy to be able to tell you about an event our orphan care ministry is hosting! On Sunday, February 13 Suzanne Mayernick and Gwen Oatsvall from 147 million orphans will be coming to speak at our church!! I can't tell you how long we have been trying to work this out. I have known Suzanne for many years and am so blessed to call her and her sweet sister Dana my friends:) I went to a conference in Nashville in September and was able to visit Suzanne and her family while I was there. I couldn't wait to get my hands on that sweet Josie Love! She is precious...an absolute miracle! I am so thankful we were able to get them to come speak. I know it will be an awesome event!! Please check out their website. You can click on the button at the right side of my blog for more info. When you get to their site click on events. We would love to see you there! If you are planning on attending please leave a comment. This will help us with our planning:) Thanks, and have a blessed day!
"Once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts, knows that we know and holds us responsible to act." Proverbs 24:12
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
This is a word that can bring excitement and fear all at the same time! On Friday, January 14th (my birthday btw:) we began the first phase. Ellie's room was our starting point. Todd is off on Fridays, so he had decided that this was the day to begin. Sam is moving into Ellie's room, Ellie and Betsy will be in Henry's room and Henry is moving in with Hugh(who has been sharing bunkbeds w/Sam)! Sound confusing? You can't even imagine!! Todd took me out to lunch for my birthday, then we came home and got busy. We moved everything in Ellie's room away from the walls, took all of her bedding off the bed, and put what we could on top of the bed. Now Todd was ready to prime walls! While he was painting I went to pick the kids up from school. When Ellie got in the car I told her what her daddy and I had been doing. I thought she would be excited. We had been talking about what we were going to do , but didn't tell her that the night before was her last night in her room. She is very tenderhearted. I felt so bad. I told her we would fix her bed back so she could have one last night in her room before it officially became Sam's. That's all she needed! It was so sweet. She put all her dolls in the bed with her that night, we took pictures, and all was well ;) The past week has been very busy. Todd got Sam and Ellie's new rooms painted. My parents were here Saturday and we got their furniture moved. In the meantime I have been cleaning out closets and getting clothes and toys in bins to donate and be taken to the attic! All while doing school projects and just the regular daily tasks that are part of having a family. We are still in need of alot of organization around here! My project for this week is to get everyones clothes into their new closets and drawers. We have shed a few tears during this transition time. Ellie has been in her room for seven years! When we moved into this house I was pregnant with Hugh. I have had a baby bed up in my house for over ten years! Todd took it down Saturday, and my baby is now in a big boy bed(his first night in there was Fiday night, and he was so excited:) Lots of changes...good ones,but still hard. I am so thankful for what this time of transition means. We are getting ready for a new family member!!! I couldn't be happier:)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Katie's Wedding
Gary and Katie |
One month ago on December 18th Todd's cousin, Katie was married. It was a beautiful ceremony. Katie has been a missionary in Bolivia for two years. She and her husband Matt have plans to return to the mission field when he completes med school and other obligations he has in regards to his profession. They are a precious couple, and we are so happy for them. As Katie danced with her daddy Henry watched very intently and said..."Katie looks like a princess." She is beautiful inside and out! Many blessings Katie and Matt! We are so glad we were there to help celebrate your big day:)
We had to get a picture with the bride! |
Ellie and cousin Maddie |
Ellie and Henry dancing...they had so much fun:) |
All the cousins. |
Henry enjoying some treats! |
Hugh also enjoyed the food...especially the doughnuts...yum! |
Granny and Sam |
Saturday, January 15, 2011
One year ago...
We sent in our adoption application, and began a journey built on faith in our amazing, almighty God! He has taught me so many things this past year. I can't even begin to put it all into words. One of the most important things he continues to show me is that I can't do anything on my own, but "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."(Phil.4:13) I will be honest and say there were times when I really just wanted to give up. I have been discouraged so many times, but the Lord would lift me up through his word, a precious friend, a message at church, and the list goes on...he has remained faithful to me and blessed me beyond anything I could ever imagine possible! If you are on a journey to adopt a child please know God will see you through every step of the way:) I am a different person than the one who began this process one year ago...I can't wait to see God continue to reveal himself to our family in 2011! We are so excited as each day passes...we are one step closer to bringing Betsy home. Pray for us and with us that all will go well in the coming weeks. God knows the day, hour, and minute we will get our daughter...knowing that gives me a peace that passes all understanding.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
LOA signed, sealed, and sent back:)
Our LOA arrived Wednesday afternoon. Our friendly FedEx man rang the doorbell around 2:30 p.m. Henry and I were sitting at the kitchen counter. I was working on some paperwork to be sent back with our LOA, and Henry was playing. When the doorbell rang it felt like Christmas all over again! I was so excited...Henry was too...he loves it when the doorbell rings:) We ran to the door and greeted the Fedex man! He was so nice when I asked for a picture. He had a hat on and took it off for the picture! I had to take Henry's picture too...he's just so cute;) Below are pics of me and Todd signing the LOA. Thursday afternoon, after picking up the kids from school, we met Todd at the Shipping Store and sent in all our paperwork along with our LOA. When we got back in the car after mailing our package Sam said...we need to celebrate! We went to Cracker Barrel that night! Somehow I only got one picture of our celebration meal, and it was Ellie and Hugh playing checkers!!haha

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
LOA is here!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what we have been waiting and praying for:) Our Letter of Acceptance from China! The official word from China that we can adopt. I got a call this morning from Amy who works for our agency. She is such a blessing! I always enjoy seeing her name come up on my caller ID. She asked me if the words LOA meant anything...YES!!! We were praising the Lord this morning! The kids were so excited. Ellie has been very honest with God during prayer time the past couple of nights...she is precious! She just basically says God we REALLY need our LOA to come...we have been waiting SOOO LONG! This is a very big step. After talking to Amy, I talked to Karla...our social worker. She said estimated travel time is about 2 1/2 months from now! Our LOA will come tomorrow...I can't wait to see the FedEx man;) We could still get there by the end of March as long as we hit no major snags. Please pray that all will go smoothly! We have lots to do...I am getting anxious just thinking about it all!! I am so thankful for this wonderful blessing today...and for the plans He has for us:)
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