Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Botanical Gardens...Beautiful:)

Today we went to the Botanical Gardens, and had a great time! I took so many pictures..it was beautiful there. Our hotel provides strollers, which has been a blessing. Thankfully Betsy loves the stroller. We walked all over that place for an hour and a half. Betsy pretty much just wanted to stay in the stroller. She got out for a few pictures. I told Todd I would rather her be like that than not want to be in it at all. She got tired of me wanting to take her picture, but all in all was good about it. After we walked around the gardens our group met for lunch. Rebecca took us to a restaurant just outside the entrance to the gardens. It was good...a Chinese fast food noodle restaurant. I can't remember the name of it;) I have not mentioned the toilet situation in China in any of my posts until now! Most of you may know this, but for those of you who don't...they have lots of squatty pottys! I'm not going to go into full detail...just think about it and you will figure it out! Anyway, most restaurants do not have toilets in them. If you need to go to the restroom you go to a public restroom. Let me just say...today I had the worst restroom experience since I have been here!! Betsy needed to go to the bathroom, so I took her outside the restaurant to the public restroom. It was so dirty...she would not go! It took us three times going back and forth before she finally would go to the bathroom. She refuses to use a squatty potty! Thankfully everywhere we have gone they have a regular toilet along with the squatty's. She used the regular one, but I completely covered it with antibacterial wet wipes before she got up there! If your going to China...take plenty of those, and packets of tissues:) Ok...enough of that! We are having a good time, but are getting ready to be at home. We appreciate all your emails, comments, and prayers...can't say that enough! I am posting pictures from today and last night when we went to eat at the Italian restaurant I mentioned a day or two ago. It was really good:)


  1. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time! That is so great. I cannot wait to meet Betsy. It is so neat that you already know her so well...she was handpicked just for your family. God is so amazing! Still praying for your family. Enjoy your trip.

  2. You have Rebecca for your guide!!!! PLEASE tell her hello from the Holt Family (Ao Ying/Nathan's family). Isn't she wonderful????
    I know you are having fun in Guangzhou...sounds like things are going really well.
    Deb H

  3. Meia, I love reading your post (& looking at pictures)!!! I usually have tears by the time I finish. They are so touching. I am so happy things are going well. Betsy is Adorable and seems so very happy with the new family God has blessed her with. Tricia Bibb

  4. One things for sure - Betsy loves her sunglasses. She is way too cute.

    Amanda Knotts
