On Sunday, February 20, 2011 Hugh was baptized and celebrated his 7th birthday! What a blessed and very special day it was:) I am so thankful Hugh has trusted Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord. I shared in an earlier post that he prayed to receive Christ on February 14th. He realized very quickly that the coming Sunday would be his birthday. He was thrilled to be baptized that day! It was such a blessing to watch as Todd baptized another one of our children. God is so good!! After the service we went home to enjoy pizza, cake, and ice cream! We are so thankful our family and friends could share in this happy day! My parents, sister, Todd's mother, and cousin Nathan were able to come and celebrate with us. Granny and Nathan had to leave before I could get a picture of them:) One of Hugh's best friends, Jing Jing was also baptized on Sunday by her daddy, who is a minister at our church. What a great day!! Praise the Lord!!

makes me want to cry! wish we could have been there to celebrate. so proud of sweet hugh! all our babies are growing up....